Saturday, November 30, 2013

Road to Kilimanjaro- Occoneechee State Park Hike

Hopefully everyone had a nice Thanksgiving holiday.  Mine was pretty nice, one because my roasted Duck came out great, second it was nice to see loved ones and thirdly, I was able to share my training with my family.

                                         The Duck

I took off from work on Friday, no we don’t get it off, and decided to do a hike close to home at Occoneechee State Park in Hillsborough NC.  Not to be mistaken for the one in Virginia.  This is a great park because it is only about 15-20mins away and has some small hills which can get your heart rate up.  This little park has the Eno River, a pond and a nice bluff in which you can see well into the distance (847 feet high), I think it is the highest point in the triangle and maybe from that point to the coast. I love the old quarry and my favorite trail is the Mountain Loop that is a little over 2.2 miles.   

My dad participated in my training this weekend and hiked with me on the trail.  I have to hand it to him because he kept up a brisk pace and didn’t seem at all out of breath.  He could handle Kilimanjaro.

                                         Dad checking out the view

I am 85% ready for the trip…packing wise. My trekking poles finally arrived which will make my training easier.   As for training…I need to step it up.  Early this morning I did my 4mile run but it was a little slower than normal…could it be that apple pie I ate the night before slowing me down?  Maybe I will hit the stairs at the stadium in the morning.

For those who live in the area stop by the park for a quick break, get back to simplicity away from the busy schedule.

                                 The Eno River.  We walked along side if the river briefly before hiking up

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